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As a hiring manager, you may be wondering what the requirements are for computer & internet speed for a VA. Here's a rundown of the basics so you can make an informed decision about what's best for your business.
Have them run an internet speed test. Our recommendation is a minimum of 50 to 100 Mbps download speeds for working from home, and at least 10 Mbps upload speeds if you upload large files to the internet. The best test for internet speed is Speedtest by Ookla. A screenshot of the virtual assistant's internet speed should be provided to the company.
A recommendation is that they have a laptop or desktop that is less than 5 years old. Do not accept a tablet for them to work on.
However, if you have software that you use predominantly, make sure that the remote team member's computer adheres to the minimum requirements of the software.
If you want to give a stipend towards a new computer, have them work for you for a minimum of 6 months before you start giving funds towards a new computer.
If you require a second screen, it is recommended that you purchase the screen. Have the remote team member purchase the screen and reimburse them. The shipping cost will be more than the screen. If they purchase the screen, the shipping cost is very affordable.
You do not need to purchase or ship a hard-wired phone. Have them use a softphone. This is where the phone can be installed onto their computer and answered at the computer.
Recommend purchasing a headset. Have them purchase the headset, and reimburse them.
If they do not have a video camera and it is required, it is recommended that they have a video camera as part of their setup. They should be responsible for the video camera.
If you require a printer or scanner for any reason, we recommend that the team member be responsible for having a printer/scanner.
Typically they are responsible for office supplies. If you want to be reimbursed, that is your prerogative.
Get started on your search for the perfect VA today. And when you do one, be sure to check that they meet all of the requirements in this guide – it’ll help make sure your working relationship is a successful one.