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    A Podcast | Justin Clements

    Pete Neubig: [00:00:05] Welcome back, everybody. As promised, I have my good buddy, Justin Clement here. Justin is the CEO of PestShare. So, Justin, thank you for so much for being here today.


    Justin Clements: [00:00:19] Yeah, Thanks, Pete. Appreciate you having me.


    Pete Neubig: [00:00:21] All right, man. So I know most people at Northam know what PestShare is. But for the for those folks that are listening that really don't know what PestShare is just yet, can you give us a little bit of overview of what PestShare is and how does it help property managers?


    Justin Clements: [00:00:37] You bet. Yeah, well, pressure. First and foremost is a SaaS company, ultimately. So we're kind of in the formulation of technology and we've kind of ultimately believe that technology can be used to really improve the property managers, you know, various forms of operations. And so one way, one way that it does that ultimately is is by establishing itself as an amenity for their residents within any given PMC. And so we essentially offer an amenity item to give affordable access to pest control and requesting various forms of pest control professionally to those residents. So that way the property manager doesn't necessarily have to take all of those pest control inquiries. It kind of streamlines part of their operation. And then as an added benefit, it gives them an opportunity to collect on ancillary revenue by building in a margin within the other amenities that are within their benefits package. So that's kind of ultimately how we how we operate.


    Pete Neubig: [00:01:49] But it doesn't have to be in a benefits package, correct? Like I can have pressure without a benefits package and then the resident would basically go online and just fill out and say, I need I need pest control. Is that basically how it works?


    Justin Clements: [00:02:01] Yeah, absolutely. So we have a proprietary software and this is kind of where the technology comes into play, is that every resident has access to that. So anytime that they need to request a professional pest control service, they utilize our software platform to go on, identify the pest, request that pest control, and then we essentially use our service network to execute that service. And so to to your point, they don't have to be, you know, we we have many customers who use us as a standalone amenity within their, you know, benefits as an offering to their residents or as a simple line item within a number of other amenities that they include.


    Pete Neubig: [00:02:42] And you guys partnered with second Nature to be part of their resident benefit package, is that correct?


    Justin Clements: [00:02:47] Yeah, that's actually a recent execution that we've just finalized. We just engaged in a channel partnership with second Nature. Um, I that was just, you know, within the last, I would say, last 30 days that we, we finalized that. So it's an exciting new opportunity for both parties. And we believe that with both of our engagement, we're going to be able to provide property management companies, residents, their owners alike, in in the mutual benefit all across the board. So it's an exciting thing.


    Pete Neubig: [00:03:24] That is that's awesome. And we're recording this. It's early April, so you might be listening to a little bit later on. But so basically about about February, March time frame, you guys solidified that deal. So you heard it here first, folks but you actually may not have because we may not have heard this.


    Justin Clements: [00:03:42] You know. I don't don't know actually just just yet if we've even released it. But but by this time, the time that this airs, it'll definitely be the case. So that's.


    Pete Neubig: [00:03:51] That's amazing. So most people who know about Pest share, they know that you guys, you're branded orange, that's your color. And like a couple of years ago, you all of a sudden started seeing all these people with orange like tennis shoes or orange running shoes, right? What the heck? Like, what was that? What was behind that? Like? First of all, from a from a company perspective, I think it's genius, by the way. I think it's genius branding. You guys always have tons of shoes at your booth now and all your clients are wearing them and it's amazing how who came up with it? How did that come to fruition? What's the story behind the Orange Shoes?


    Justin Clements: [00:04:25] Yeah, well, actually, that's a great, interesting story. Just like many of our our, you know, much of our company vision, you know, both myself and co-founders landed in Tom. You know, the beauty of our collaboration has has wielded a lot of unique things. And the Orange shoe movement is one of those. And so as such, we we really kind of believe in, in, um, you know, creating positive change. And I think that is one of the, one of the most effective things that have come from the Orange shoe movement as well, is creating that positive change, whether it be for the health of the property manager or for simply just the recognition. I mean, granted, it's added benefit to our brand recognition, but one of the the intents behind that is our ability to, you know, create that movement within kind of just the the overall improvement within the the the industry itself. So we we always want to be moving forward and never backwards. And so I think with the with the orange shoes in particular, obviously orange is our color. And you know we're. Were loud and proud about it. But at the same time, I think that really it's about connecting everybody involved and which is really a lot of what within the space, especially collaboration, connection, being able to to really kind of come together and be united, especially, I would say not to get, you know, political or anything, but really we have a lot of divisiveness in the world today. And I think that this is kind of one thing that we really believe in is just opportunity for all inclusion and all. And, um, and that's kind of one thing that, that we believe in is giving back to, you know, the community. And, and so pressure as an orange shoe movement can utilize our orange juice to create positive change in any form or fashion. So, um, yeah.


    Pete Neubig: [00:06:27] So did it happen by mistake though? Like, is it like one day somebody wearing orange shoes? You're like, Oh, that's cool. Or was.


    Justin Clements: [00:06:32] It, you know.


    Pete Neubig: [00:06:33] Honestly, like. Hey. I got this great idea. Orange shoes. Like who?


    Justin Clements: [00:06:38] Like, you know. I'd love to take credit for that, but to be honest with you, Tom was the one that really, really came. Uh, he came to one of our conferences. He's like, You know what? Second nature's got their purple jackets. We need something. We need our identifier and our identifier for for him was those orange shoes. And we actually he. So he ordered some orange shoes. Uh, and, and he wore those to, you know, the first conference. And then it started to, you know, get a lot of compliments on it. And, and I personally, I'd have to admit I was pretty resistant to it at first. And I was like, you know what? I you know, I just don't know about those things. And yeah, because I'm not super flashy, so I don't like, you know, I don't want to stick out. But but you know what? It's, um. It was. It was something.


    Pete Neubig: [00:07:26] Now I stick out because.


    Pete Neubig: [00:07:27] I wear regular shoes and everybody in the conference has orange. Shoes.


    Justin Clements: [00:07:30] Yeah. Now you're the difference. Yeah.


    Justin Clements: [00:07:34] Exactly. You know, and so, like, that was kind of one of the things that we ended up, you know, we, we caught on with it and really started to collaborate as to, you know, what we could put behind it as far as like message and, and and, you know, other opportunities whatnot for us as a company, as a community, whatever. But but that's really kind of where it started it. I would say that in all things happenstance kind of kind of went it kind of came about.


    Pete Neubig: [00:08:04] It just kind of just kind of snowballed.


    Justin Clements: [00:08:06] Started to snowball. Yeah, yeah, exactly.


    Pete Neubig: [00:08:08] Well, I think it's a brilliant marketing ploy. And I believe that, you know, now you have all these clients that are wearing it. They every conference I see more and more orange shoes and it really kudos to you guys. You really got something great there. So let's pivot off of your shoes and let's talk a little bit. So you have two other co-founders. So there's three of y'all. You're the chief operating officer. When you guys are forming a company, how did you determine, you know, who sits in what seat?


    Justin Clements: [00:08:39] That's a great question. The really the way that we kind of do most things in general is really just natural and organic. And I think that kind of speaks to the way that we really operate and function as a core leadership as well. You know, with with all of us as co-founders. And it really kind of extends to, you know, everyone, you know, in every company is everybody has naturally strong suits and and and weaknesses. And we really try to embrace all of those, you know, the good and the bad and the ugly and and that kind of has been the magic to our co-founding group is that we all really cling to our strengths and we try to highlight those and we respect those. And and we're really one of the big things that we that we believe is that there is really no room for ego, especially in leadership. And so we we as a as a core group, ultimately of founding founding group, we kind of take this as a collaborative opportunity where where though we we essentially develop the vision together, we essentially execute in different fashions. And that execution is has to do with kind of where we decided that our our kind of core functions as what we can provide as, as value to the company kind of lie.


    Justin Clements: [00:10:06] I would say, you know, one thing about myself, I tend to be very detail oriented. Um, I tend to enjoy, you know, connecting groups and being able to, you know, kind of put all the pieces of the puzzle together. And that's kind of something that I naturally enjoy. Um, Tom is a, a natural salesman has been all his life. And, and he actually, you know, as, as CRO, he ultimately does it better than anybody else as, as opportunities and revenue generation, new and old. Um, you know, he is extremely personable and the same thing with Landon. Landon is is a networker by heart and and you know he really kind of holds that that as a his title as a function of what he does best. And I think that that's kind of how we all tend to approach this. So you know neither neither one of us really, you know, see very many or very many differences amongst it. We really kind of see ourselves as one. And and I think that's really been a key to a lot of our success, whether it be in other ventures or this one especially.


    Pete Neubig: [00:11:22] Did you go when you guys were sitting down, did you build an org chart or for the whole company or did you build an org chart for what the company looked like at the time or or kind of what the vision was? How did that work out?


    Justin Clements: [00:11:34] Yeah. So we actually started out with building that vision. What is that vision ultimately that we, you know, that we started to run with early on?


    Pete Neubig: [00:11:44] Did you ever think you'd be a SaaS company when you first started?


    Justin Clements: [00:11:48] You know, honestly, we we we didn't necessarily we thought we always we always envisioned the opportunity. Oh, sorry. My daughter's in here.


    Pete Neubig: [00:12:00] We're going to we're going to pause right here. Yeah.


    Justin Clements: [00:12:04] All right, back to that question. So, um, our vision or our early vision is not necessarily what it is today. And that vision continues to evolve and, you know, for the better. And that's kind of one of the exciting things about creating a vision and creating an org chart is that vision tends to be small and that org chart is even smaller early stage and it continues to grow and develop as time goes on. And and we constantly go back to it and we constantly are updating and improving upon it. And that's kind of one of the things that we we really enjoy seeing is the growth and the potential that we see. And we're always kind of looking one step ahead of, you know, what we think is possible. We're always trying to push, you know, one step beyond So so.


    Pete Neubig: [00:12:53] Tom, Tom is a visionary. You're an integrator If you're into iOS. And I know a lot of people at home are when you were building the org chart versus Tom, Tom wanted to make it much bigger. You wanted to make it smaller. Is that did that seem does that sound about right?


    Justin Clements: [00:13:07] You know, I would say honestly, we really all three of us really hold that that, you know, kind of that vision that they'd say that's really what it was. The beauty of our collaboration is, is the fact that we we all in some fashion are visionaries. And again, by by the fashion, I'd say, though, we all, um, you know, really kind of hold that vision or collaborate to that vision. Uh, Landon, I would say, really kind of holds that visionary, you know, uh, title, if you will, as a, as it stands with the OS and, and we, we kind of, we, like I said, we kind of like, uh, you know, co-create that vision and we co execute that vision as well. And so as we've developed the company, each of our strong suits have started to kind of continue to develop and, and we start to execute that vision, you know, on an evolutionary standpoint. And so we kind of really continue to tweak and, and that and that changes, you know, day by day, month by month. And so.


    Pete Neubig: [00:14:14] If somebody. 


    Justin Clements: [00:14:15] Yeah. 


    Pete Neubig: [00:14:15] If somebody's listening to this, um, you know, what are some takeaways that you would tell them about like how often they should look at their vision to, you know, like, should they look at it yearly? Should they, should they, you know, should they think much bigger? Is it is there some value in thinking smaller and then seeing what that's, you know, like. So what would you what would you tell somebody who's maybe just starting out, maybe have 50, 50 or 60 units that under management about setting their vision? Is it important? Is it not like what would you what would you what would you counsel somebody on on that.


    Justin Clements: [00:14:47] Yeah. I guess my best counsel would be it is the most important of anything. The vision is, is where you know, everything stems from. It's it's, it's what, it's what trickles down and trickles up. And it is probably the most important aspect to any company is having a vision. Because without a vision, it's very much kind of the same adage of, you know, uh, uh, uh, a boat without sails, you know, has no destination. And, and that's kind of ultimately how, how we, you know, see that with any organization, you have to have a vision before you can execute anything.


    Pete Neubig: [00:15:26] Um, so you build a vision.


    Pete Neubig: [00:15:28] And from the vision you build your strategy and your plan.


    Justin Clements: [00:15:32] Absolutely.


    Justin Clements: [00:15:33] And so what we really like to do is we like to kind of work backwards from that. So we build our vision and we build it however grandiose it may seem, and then we start to to work backwards from that. And I'd say as far as the revision goes, we really believe in, in uh, reviewing that on a quarterly basis, um, at minimum.


    Pete Neubig: [00:15:54] Review the Vision Quarterly.


    Pete Neubig: [00:15:56] Okay.


    Justin Clements: [00:15:57] Absolutely. Yeah.


    Justin Clements: [00:15:57] Well, especially with, and I would say one of the things too, that, you know, is somewhat relevant and dependent on your type of business is your scaling methods. Because when you're scaling at a certain pace or your vision entails a certain scaling pace, then or various growth trend, you need to to continually revise and review that vision more often. And that way you can course correct where necessary and early and often is kind of ultimately how we we really approach that because number one, not only does it allow us to kind of maintain vision in the perspective, especially when when you're growing at any significant pace, ultimately you can very easily get caught into, you know, what may seem important and urgent, but it really distracts you in the day to day from that larger vision. So being able to kind of step back and forcibly renew yourself to that vision allows you to gain that perspective again. And I think that's what's important in reviewing it early and often so that you can maintain, you know, if you are your day to day has been taking you elsewhere that doesn't adhere to the vision you can easily course correct.


    Pete Neubig: [00:17:16] You adhere to the traction book as well as like. So you set your vision and then do you set your org chart for what you know, division is whatever the company's finished. Do you build the org chart for that as well and then kind of review that quarterly as well?


    Justin Clements: [00:17:30] Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. We we do the same, you know, again, kind of following that true model and, and we've made our certain, you know, revisions off of that as well and, and we've tailored it and I've I believe kind of you know tailoring it to your organization, to your core values is also important because not every every you know, business is you know, as far as like the way you operate the business, not every person is going to be the same. So so it's really like what our belief ultimately is, is it's meant to be a guiding principle. And and for some starting out, it's an extremely great way for you to be able to build that, whether that be to the letter as described in or whether you start to to create your own functions outside of that and deviations. But but that's kind of ultimately how we take that approach is we adapt it to, you know, how we see that vision continuing to grow. And so by, by nature, we like to to adapt and innovate off of that. So.


    Pete Neubig: [00:18:38] All right, I'm going to pivot here. So. Yeah. You were a Division one college athlete. Would you play again? Was a football.


    Justin Clements: [00:18:47] A long time ago? Yes. Yeah, I played football, actually. I was a strong safety at Washington State University, so.


    Justin Clements: [00:18:55] Okay. Yep. Yep. The cougars. So go Cougs. Go Cougs.


    Pete Neubig: [00:19:03] We have a we have a team down here in U. U. University of Houston. The Cougars. And they could not make it four. So. All right. So as a Division one college athlete, what are some of the lessons you learned that that you've taken and translated into your business life?


    Justin Clements: [00:19:21] Oh, I would say, um, you know, again, sports was a large part of my life growing up and and it still is. Honestly, even though I'm starting to become more old and broken than I would then I than I care to admit. But but it's it's really kind of shaped the way that I approach any situation. And I think that kind of comes into the core values that we that we hold as a group as well as, you know, whether you played sports or you didn't. You know, I'm grateful for the sports that taught me. You know, so many of those core characteristics that I hold, you know, one of those being grit, that grit, that determination, the perseverance to to work past, you know, physical, mental pain. And and I would say honestly, the one of the number one. Um. Uh, lessons that I've learned is that, um, it's so much extends everything. So much extends beyond the physical. Um, especially in the work workplace, it is much more mental. And I would say that the, that sports is absolutely the same. There is a very physical aspect to every sport. However, the mentality to be able to carry through, to continually check yourself, to really introspectively look and see what am I doing right and what am I doing wrong? Um, what do I do? Well, what do I not do? Well, both in a in an individual and a team sport. Um, you know, so those, those are very, very much characteristics that, that I've learned. And I will say that I appreciate probably more than even the physical, um, you know, developments that, that I've, that I've been able to achieve the mental aspect of it, the psychological, um, you know, lessons or characteristics have been probably more of the achievement that I appreciate today in business.


    Pete Neubig: [00:21:20] And you said something too. That makes a lot of sense. Business is a team sport. Right. So you're used to team sports, right? You weren't a triathlete. You were a college football player. And if somebody didn't do their job, you, you know, the team might lose, right? Like you have your job. Don't try to do too much, stay in your lane type stuff. And I think that's really important to know, like your team, if you're listening to this and you're a property manager and you're supervising people or you're a property management owner or a company owner, the team is really, really important. And so, yeah, getting those players is important.


    Justin Clements: [00:21:55] I agree, especially within that team, that a team is critical in the cohesion. You know, you have to be a cohesive group and play as one. And and I would say that that very much is a principle that that aligns as a parallel with business as well. Is that from the CEO all the way down to the janitor? You know, it is it is no matter of importance. It's just a matter of difference. And everybody who holds any different type of role is much more lateral than they are vertical because the hierarchy that you know is necessary, especially within an org chart, has to do with more role and responsibility, accountability versus it being important. Every. We believe ultimately that every role is important. It's just different. And so, you know, none is none is more important than the other because if you didn't have any particular role fulfilled, then the company would suffer and and likewise the other teammates would suffer. So you could have, you know, hotshot, you know, players on a team. But as we see also in sports, um, you know a team that is that is comprised of the best of athletes who have the most dominant physical you know, characteristics don't always, you know, win the national championship. They don't always take home the title because really the team aspect of it and working together is it will carry you the distance more than it will more than the physical talent. And I would say that that is very much true to the skill sets that people hold within various positions of the company. It's not necessarily about the the position or the skill set. It's about the people who are willing to work together and really, you know, integrate together and collaborate as a team.


    Pete Neubig: [00:23:49] That even goes back to what's the vision, what's the plan? How do you get there? What's the roadmap? Right. Your job is is to build that map now. Absolutely. You've been coached your whole your whole life as an athlete. Where do you fall on the on the coaching, you know, for your business? Do you guys have a coach? Have you had a coach? Do you believe in coaching? What's your what's your take?


    Speaker3: [00:24:10] I absolutely believe coaches are a fundamental part of your growth as well, because where else are you going to have any sort of reprimand, you know, or, you know, a lot of times we don't know what we don't know and we can't see oftentimes what we may or.


    Pete Neubig: [00:24:27] May can't see through the weeds. Right. We're in the weeds.


    Justin Clements: [00:24:29] Exactly.


    Pete Neubig: [00:24:30] Coaches a little bit higher up.


    Justin Clements: [00:24:32] Yeah.


    Justin Clements: [00:24:32] And and I will say that that's that's oftentimes where we rely especially a lot of our leadership as well. You know us as even as a co founding group too we we that's where we often believe that that ego has no place. You know, we kind of work operate on a standing rule that any any time we enter a meeting, ego is left at the door. And and that's very necessary because it hurts to to, you know, have your shortcomings, you know, easy.


    Pete Neubig: [00:25:00] To say and not easy to do.


    Justin Clements: [00:25:02] Exactly. Exactly. And so so I'd say that a lot of the coaching, you know, that we have had also has come as an inner group, as a collective. But also we've leaned a lot on those who have been, you know, our networks as well, those who have come before us. And we very much appreciate those other co-founding groups, those other entrepreneurs who have been there, done that. And we we appreciate their mentorship as well. And so I'd say that that if you are find yourself in that group at rely and build that your network to with those other people who have have come before you to to really learn and understand. So maybe the mistakes that they made are mistakes that you don't have to make, you know, in the end.


    Pete Neubig: [00:25:49] Yeah, at Empire. Not only was Steve and I, the co-founders being coached, but we actually started having our team coached. And so we'd have a coach for our team. And I think it's important that everybody in the organization gets some kind of mentorship, coaching, whatever you want to call it. So yeah, I'm a big believer in it. I figured you were being coached as a as.


    Speaker3: [00:26:12] A Division one college athlete. All right, Justin, we're going to take a quick break and then we'll be right back for the. The Lightning Round. We put you on a hot seat. We'll be right back.


    Pete Neubig: [00:26:23] All right. All right. Welcome back, everybody. We have Justin Clement here, COO of PestShare, the Orange Shoe Gurus, and he is getting ready to be on in the Lightning Round. Are you ready, buddy?


    Justin Clements: [00:26:37] As ready as I'll ever be.


    Pete Neubig: [00:26:39] All right. What piece of what is one piece of advice you would give someone just starting out in business?


    Justin Clements: [00:26:48] Oh, man. You're starting off with that already, huh?


    Pete Neubig: [00:26:50] Starting off with the beginners. You know, honestly.


    Justin Clements: [00:26:53] I would say approach anything and everything that you do starting out with humility, because honestly, there's there's those core characteristics and really embrace what you do well and and then find your compliment for what you don't do well. And I think that that is one thing that I have also learned to embrace is is operating on compliments, not necessarily compliments. And I've said that, you know, several times prior, but that your compliment as opposed to operating on, you know, praise or compliments where it may or may not be necessary. And I think that that's kind of one of the one of the key one of the one of the key characteristics that I would say is humility and and, you know, really honing in on that passion. And I think that that will kind of carry you through all of the the ebbs and flows that any entrepreneur goes through when they they start out. Early on.


    Pete Neubig: [00:27:57] I was going to I thought, you're going to go with grit. Come on, man. Just talked about it.  No, hey, you know what? I'm kidding.


    Justin Clements: [00:28:03] It's very much I mean, there are so many other aspects to it, but but I'd say as, as a core, honestly, like being able to really embrace that and really just persevere, that grit is absolutely necessary because, you know, grit is going to determine whether or not you're going to push through the low times, the hard times, the dip, you know. And. So.


    Pete Neubig: [00:28:26] Do you use virtual assistants?


    Justin Clements: [00:28:29] Absolutely.


    Pete Neubig: [00:28:32] As pineapple belong on pizza. No. What was your first job?


    Justin Clements: [00:28:41] Um, my first job was a wheat truck driver for a family friend.


    Pete Neubig: [00:28:49] Wheat truck driver. Okay. Yeah. What is your ideal vacation?


    Justin Clements: [00:28:56] Relaxation on a beach somewhere in Kokomo, maybe Bermuda or Bahamas. You know.


    Justin Clements: [00:29:05] With my pretty momma taking you.


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:06] For a hunting. Vacation. All right. You went the other way, you know.


    Justin Clements: [00:29:09] Hey, that's. That's more work. And I love it for its own realm, but, you know, give me some peace and relaxation, and I'm there.


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:17] What Disney character do you most associate with?


    Justin Clements: [00:29:21] Oh, that's a tough one. Disney character.


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:28] I find it funny that this one stumps people the most that it is.


    Justin Clements: [00:29:31] It's hard because, you know, and I should know too, because we watch Disney movies all the time. We have a lot of young kids. So that should that should come a little bit easier. You know, honestly, I would probably have to say, uh. That I probably relate to Aladdin in many cases, yeah.


    Pete Neubig: [00:29:51] Your kids are always asking for for miracles. And you make them happen.


    Justin Clements: [00:29:56] Yeah, right. Yeah. Not the genie, but Aladdin.


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:00] Aladdin. So not the genie. Got it. All right. So it just shows you I don't have any young kids. I don't k now what is what is something that most people do not know about. You can't say football player anymore in Division one because I just told everybody that one. So.


    Justin Clements: [00:30:15] Um, I would probably have to say that I was born in Germany. Um, okay. Yeah. And that I was run over by a car when I was three years old and squeaked through. So, yeah. Spekkens Deutsch I don't know. Was my dad.


    Pete Neubig: [00:30:34] That's all I know. So. Yeah. What is one challenge you're facing currently in your business?


    Justin Clements: [00:30:44] I would say one challenge that we face currently is connecting all of our processes across departments. And so that's kind of one of the one of the core things that we've been working on lately, especially at the growth scale that we've been, you know, moving and approaching. It's so important for us to continue to connect every part of the department. And and that's kind of one of the challenges right now that we're working through.


    Pete Neubig: [00:31:13] What do you prefer or prefer? Dogs or cats?


    Justin Clements: [00:31:17] Dogs.


    Pete Neubig: [00:31:19] Justin If somebody wanted to learn more about PestShare or wanted to reach out to you, what's the best way to get to get you?


    Justin Clements: [00:31:27] That is the best way. Or they can snag us at our booth at any conference. We're always there. You'll see us in the orange shoes if if anything else. So we're we're quite noticeable.


    Pete Neubig: [00:31:45] If you're listening to this and you're not an RPA member and you'd like to join, um, please go to narbona rpm. Org or call them at (800) 782-3452. And if you want to be like Justin and have virtual assistants that work for your company, please think about VPM solutions. Go to VPM Virtual Property Management or you can reach out to me. Justin, thanks so much for being here. Appreciate you, man.


    Justin Clements: [00:32:16] Thanks, Pete. Always a pleasure.

    Aug 7, 2023

    A Podcast | The Key of Pest Share: The Importance of the Identity and Core Values of Your Business


    In this episode we call "The Key of Pest Share: The Importance of the Identity and Core Values of Your Business," NARPM®️ Radio host Pete Neubig interviews Justin Clements, Co-Founder and COO of Pest Share. Justin provides valuable information about how Pest Share is managed and things you must do to have a successful business.


    As a Co-Founder in several successful businesses. I passionately believe that vision and the execution thereof are largely dependent upon the people and core values alignment.
    As a former NCAA athlete, I believe that much of my career achievements have been drawn from the unlimited parallels between sports and business philosophies across all industries. Our newest SaaS venture, Pest Share, is aimed at the mutual benefit of residents, owners, and property managers by providing access to professional pest control, ancillary revenue, and asset protection thereby enhancing experience, and increasing confidence among all parties.